Public Speaking

Accelerating the AWS Journey: Open Source Tools for getting teams up to speedAWS Summit Amsterdam2024Slides
Accelerating Your AWS Journey: Open Source Tools for getting teams up to speedAWS Community Day NL2023Slides
Ten things that improve the performance of your Java based AWS Lambda functionsJFall2022Slides, Video
What’s a Service Mesh and why do I need one?JFall2019Slides, Video
What a Service Mesh can do for your Microservices architectureDevCon2019Video
Test Driven Documentation for your REST(ful) serviceDevCon2018Slides, Video
Hoe releasen minder pijnlijk werd bij ANWB AlarmcentraleDevCon2017Slides, Video (Dutch)
Continuous Delivery in a Content centric worldHippo.Connect Amsterdam, Boston2015Slides, Video
Hippo CMS Integration PatternsHippo GetTogether2014Slides, Video
Real-time visitor analysis with Couchbase and ElastichsearchNoSQL Matters Barcelona2013Slides, Video
Shootout! Template engines for the JVMJ-Fall2013Slides
Building a relevance platform with Couchbase and ElasticsearchGOTO Amsterdam2013Slides
Basic web application development with Apache Cocoon 2.1ApacheCon EU2007Slides